Monday 18 April 2011

Making the Call

So my oncologist told me to call his office on the first day of my next cycle.  The reason was that he needs to do a biopsy on me between days 3 and 10 to get a good read on the endometrial tissue and whether it is still pre-cancerous or if I'm in the clear right now.

So yesterday, my cycle finally started.  I'd been messing around with spotting for a few days, so I wasn't at all upset to finally see it happen.

I call the office today and this is how the conversation goes:

Me:  hi, I"m a patient of Dr. A.  He said that I should call at the beginning of my cycle to book a biopsy for sometime between day 3 and 10.
Receptionist:  Day 3 and 10?
Me:  Yes, of my menstrual cycle?  I'm on day 2 today and he told me last weekend that he wanted me to come in for a biopsy between day 3 and 10.
Her:  Oooookay... so that would be when.
Me:  Between tomorrow and the 26th.
Her:  Hold Please
cue cheesy music
Her:  Yeah, that's a problem, because, like, he only works on Saturdays here, and we're not open this Saturday.  Don't you know it's Easter?
Me:  Yeah, I know that, but I"m pretty sure my uterus doesn't care.  Besides, Dr. A told me last week that he would come in on Easter Saturday if that's what my cycle dictated.
Her (talking to someone in the background):  He said that she had to call in - he would do it
Her (to me):  Well, how much of an emergency is it?
Me:  Well - he's an oncologist, so it's probably not something that can wait for months.  If we don't do it this month, then we have to postpone another 30 days, and I had an ultrasound done this week specifically so that he could do it this cycle.
Her:  Well, we'll give him a call and see what he wants to do  - you know we're closed on Saturday.
Me:  Yeah, well, again, he said to call him.  So if you could do that and let me know what he wants to do about that ...
Her:  Yes, well, either we'll call or he'll call.

I get home tonight - no call.

SO frustrated!

Since when did it become law that a woman's menstrual cycle had to abide by Christian holidays anyway?



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